Appointments and Covid Update

Please be aware that we have moved to doing teleconsults if possible. This means that your doctor will call you for a consultation or email you a link for videoconference. We will see you in clinic if necessary and there are no concerns regarding covid risk. At this stage we have stopped on-line booking, please call us on 07-3289 1712 to book an appointment.

We have emailed some patients with our current stance, unfortunately we came across technical difficulties and unable to keep sending. Following is the letter that was attached to the email.

Covid 19-Update

To our valued patients, We are sending this email to update you on our current position regarding Covid-19. At Samford Valley Medical Centre, we have been busy trying to keep up to date with the day to day changes regarding this virus. Those that have been to the clinic in the last few weeks/month will have noticed that we have been asking screening questions prior to booking your appointment. The questions have adapted to suit guidelines by the government at that time. Currently our screening questions are:-

1. Have you travelled overseas in the last 14-21 days,

2. Are you unwell with cough, cold, flu or fever

3. Have you been in contact with anyone at risk or diagnosed with Covid-19

4. Are you a healthcare worker and are you unwell.

If you are answering yes to any of these questions we are asking you NOT to come to the clinic. We will guide you to either a phone consultation or to a fever clinic or into isolation. Medicare has provided us with item numbers so that we can bulk bill phone consultations for those people who fall within their guidelines. These guidelines may change over the next weeks/months but for the moment, for others that require a phone consultation but do not fall under the guidelines, you will be charged a private fee.

Please be assured, we will continue to provide you with the best possible care. In the meantime we encourage you to follow these guidelines:-

1. Maintain good hand hygiene, frequent and careful handwashing (hand sanitisers are ok if you are out and about), be aware that surfaces you come in contact with may be contaminated (door handles, lift buttons, railings, light switches)

2. Avoid touching your face, on average we touch our face 4 times an hour

3. Follow good cough/sneeze etiquette (either cough into a tissue and dispose into bin or into your elbow) Wash your hands frequently

4. Maintain good sleep and a healthy diet

5. Maintain social distancing and avoid going out if possible, especially if you are over age of 60 and/or have a chronic disease. Do not shake hands and stay at least 1.5 m away from others.

We also want to let you know that we have now started vaccinations for the flu. We are doing flu clinics on Saturdays afternoons. We will assess again after Easter to see if we continue with the clinics. Please call us on 07-3289 1712 to book in and make sure we have your flu vaccination in stock.

Stay well and stay safe. Please refer to our facebook page or here for updates. If you have any questions, please call us.

Kind regards, The SVMC team.